Board of Directors

Board of Directors  (as of November 16, 2013)

Aimee Wyatt -- President

Eric Michielssen -- Treasurer

Pavlo Rudakevych -- Board Member

Donna Brown -- Board Member

Danijela Dornan -- Board Member

Isaac Varner -- Board Member (& staff member)

Vice President Position -- vacant as of November 2013

Gwen Schmidt -- General Manager


Board Meetings are the SECOND Wednesday of every month at 6pm

Location varies. Please call the store to confirm location. 


Contact us if you are interested in board minutes, more information on becoming a board or committee member or receiving other information:


I.   Volunteer:  Outreach and recruiting for volunteers, oversee scheduling of meetings of volunteer group(s); coordinate with logging of volunteer hours for SLO-Hours or other community exchange program or for Co-op equity membership, logging of volunteer donations (materials, tool use, etc).


II.  Marketing:  Develop publicity schedule and a range of publicity resources (email, print media ads & articles, radio ads & call-in, flyers, social media, events, phone tree, etc.). Campaign message(s) & branding. 


III.  Finance:  Review budgets. Create a template for 2014 reporting that includes current month compared to last year same month and current month compared to BUDGET.  Include projections for staff bonuses and other compensation increases.


IV.  Membership:  Help reach 2014 Members sales goal. Help plan Annual Member/Owners meeting.


V.  GO LOCAL Business Development:  Find local sustainable agriculture partners to showcase. Consider some type of weekly or monthly program to highlight particular products such as olive oil, wine, herbs, coffee, juices or others.  Create added value for shoppers and local connections. Help tell a story of the local producers we highlight (Pozo farms, Mt. Olive Organic Farmers, etc). 

VI.  Board Development & Recruiting:  Board Handbook and training on Mission, Vision & Goals Development.